Prevent political elites and outside interests from dictating Alaska's elections.
Protect Alaskans' right to vote how they want, for whoever they want; regardless of party.
Require candidates from every party to compete for your vote in every election, forcing them to appeal to as many Alaskans as possible.
Uphold the freedom to vote for the best candidate, not just the lesser of two evils.
Stop political parties from limiting our choices.
Ensure that veterans and active duty military who are not registered with a political party cannot be excluded from voting in our primary elections.
Prevent party bosses from closing our primary elections even further.
Save the state the three million dollars it would cost to go back to the old, flawed voting system, keeping that money for our PFDs, schools, roads, and cops.
Empower third parties and disrupt the two party system.
Honors the majority of Alaskans who chose to vote for candidates of different parties when given the chance.
Alaska’s open primaries let Alaskans pick the best candidate, not political parties.
"More than half of voters in the 2022 midterm primaries split their tickets between candidates from across the political spectrum"
Deadline for ballots that were postmarked by Election Day to be received; ranked choice voting results will be available after the ballots are processed.