No On 2 Endorsers

Why vote no on 2?

Ballot Measure 2 allows political parties to take away our freedom to vote for whoever we choose. Elections should be about voting for the best candidate, regardless of whether they are a Republican, Democrat, or independent and that’s exactly what Alaska’s open primary allows every Alaskan to do. Help protect our hard won freedoms and join the movement to keep the power in the voters’ hands.

In 2020, Alaskans passed election reform to empower voters

Giving all Alaskans the chance to vote for the best candidate in every race, regardless of party

Vote NO to keep the power and freedom in your hands

Alaskans overwhelmingly support Open Primaries

But political bosses will remove them if Ballot Measure 2 passes.

Open Primaries favorability rating




Statewide Alaska exit poll after the November 2022 General election

What do others have to say?

"Open primaries let Alaskans choose values over party. More than half of voters in the 2022 midterm primaries split their tickets between candidates from across the political spectrum"

The Alaska Beacon, 4/3/2024

About Open Primaries

Open primaries allow Alaskans to vote for whomever they want, no matter what party they belong to. All voters get the same ballot and the four most competitive candidates move to the general election.

Open Primary

Benefits of Open Primaries

Allows all of us to vote for the candidates we want.

Requires candidates from every party to compete for your vote in every election.

Opens the door - more women and candidates of color ran for office under this system.

Protects voting access for the 60% of Alaskans who do not belong to a political party.

Request a speaker

This campaign represents a coalition of community groups, civic organizations, and individual Alaskans from across the political spectrum and all over the state. Would you like a member of the coalition to speak to your organization or group about protecting voter freedom?